The Rose City Curling Club appreciates the support and sponsorship from our local businesses. Sponsors have a huge impact on our season and help with everything from maitenence costs all the way to keeping curling inexpensive for our members! We strive to work with our partners to get customers in their doors, as well as see them create lasting memories on the ice in ours!
It is important to know that sponsorship comes in all shapes and sizes and does not always consist of monetary transactions. An exchange for service or goods in kind are heavily appreciated as well! After all what good would your sponsorship do if we werent doing our part to boost your business as well!
Check out our SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE(to be added) which includes a variety of advertising options as well as other unique ways to get involved as a sponsor of our curling community.
Please contact Ben, at (780) 672-4152 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information or discuss what we can do for you!
Full Year Advertising/Sponsorship Agreement
Item | Description | 1 Year Term | 3 Year Term |
1 | Wall Ad – 8′ x 4′ | $268.00 | $723.00 |
2 | Wall Ad – 2′ x 6′ | $189.00 | $510.00 |
3 | In-Ice Decal – Small (2′ x 2′) | $268.00 | $723.00 |
4 | In-Ice Decal – Large (2′ x 4′) | $525.00 | $1417.50 |
5 | Scoreboard Ad | $378.00 | $1020.00 |
6 | Button Ads (18 – 1′ x 1′) | $1753.50 | $4734.50 |
7 | Full House Ad – 12′ x 12′ | $1000.00 | $2700.00 |
8 | Full Sheet Sponsorship | $2000.00 | $5400.00 |
9 | League Double Board (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday Evenings) |
$400.00 | N/A |
10 | Monday Night Double Board | $240.00 | N/A |
One Time Advertising/Sponsorship Agreement
Item | Description | 2020/2021 Price |
1 | Curl Jam Sponsorship (Cost is for 1 event) | $100.00 - $300.00 |
2 | Doubles Dayspiel Double Board | $100.00 |
3 | Highway 13 Classic Bonspiel Double Board or Double-Double Board | $100.00 or $200.00 |
4 | Ladies Bonspiel Double Board or Double-Double Board | $100.00 or $200.00 |
5 | Swing & Sweep Double Board or Double-Double Board | $100.00 or $200.00 |
6 | Mixed Bonspiel Double Board or Double-Double Board | $100.00 or $200.00 |
7 | Men’s Bonspiel Double Board or Double-Double Board | $180.00 or $360.00 |
8 | Equipment Sponsorship | Open |
9 | Goods in Kind Sponsorship | Open |